GabR is a musician, and songwriter, who studied musical theory, piano, singing and guitar. He is also self-taught historian, and has studied and been interested since childhood in High Strangeness, spirituality and political events. He is 35 years old and resides somewhere in Argentina. Since childhood he was interested in knowing the truth about all the mysteries of life and suspected that something was wrong with this world. When he found SOTT, he knew this was a place of people who had the same aims. He contributes with SOTT by finding and posting articles that expose lies and spread the truth on past and current events, as well as the many possible futures.
Aquel que sacrifica libertad por seguridad no merece libertad ni seguridad
--Al paso que se van desarrollando los acontecimientos imperialistas en el plan 'Barbarossa' II de la conquista de Rusia por parte del IV Reich...
Los 4 aviones que desafían los límites de diseño [Enlace] Conclusión: No hubo aviones comerciales estrellándose ese dia [Enlace]
Leí hace años sobre la misma intención en los formularios de impuestos. Es que para rebelarse ante impuestos injustos hay que entender la...
Si hay margen de maniobra ... no pisando Europa ...
La guerra cada vez más amplia, Paul Craig Roberts (22 de agosto de 2024) EL KREMLIN TIENE UNA ASOMBROSA INCAPACIDAD PARA AFRONTAR LA REALIDAD...
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