Horario: Argentina: 13:30 hrs., México: 10:30 hrs., España: 18:30 hrs.
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I belong to "The Philosophy of Suspicion"
(The Customs of the Costumes)
Expression coined by Paul Ricoeur in 1965
to refer to the philosophies of Marx, Nietzsche and Freud,
whom he called the "masters of suspicion" or "those who tear the masks",because each one of them expressed different perspectives,which represent the crisis of the philosophy in the modern time.
These three thinkers revealed the failure of the notion of subject,inasmuch as trapped consciousness in the hidden reality of the appearances.
Marx unmasked the ideology as false consciousness or awareness of an inverted world.
Nietzsche questioned the false values.
Freud exposed the 'customs of the costumes' that cover the unconscious drives.
The triple exposure provided by these thinkers called into question the Enlightenment ideals of human rationality,
the pursuit of happiness and the pursuit of truth.
This suspicion, according to Ricoeur, begets a new problem:
"The lie of consciousness, of consciousness as a lie,"
and gives the track to a new way of hermeneutics.
Con "La Filosofia de la Sospecha" 'ricoeuriana'
entramos en un nueva avenida del pensar:
"negar el mundo que --sospechamos-- nos niega":
The Power of Negative Thinking.
-As Hegel defines it:
"Thinking is, indeed, and essentially,
the negation of that which is immediately before us".
-And the knowledge from this Thinking begins when
philosophy destroys the alienated experience
of daily life under an objective and conscious aproach
to this experience...which is the starting point
of the search for the truth.
-Te power of negative thinking
is the driving power of dialectical thought,
used as a tool for analyzing the world of facts
in terms of its internal inadequacy.
-In this sense, Reason is the negation of the negative.
-The negation which dialectic applies to the reality
is not only a critic of a conformistic logic,
which denies the reality of contradictions;
it is also a critic of the given state of affairs
on its own grounds...of the established system of life
which denies its own promises and potentialities.
-The consciousness of negative thinking
is the equivalent to the revolt in Albert Camus.
Because awareness, no matter how confused it may be,
develops from every act of rebellion.
In order to exist, man must rebel;
man must negate what is negate him.
-And once we are in this point,
in this kind of doalectic logic,
embodied by Dostoievsky in Ivan Karamazov,
which progresses from an act of rebellion
to metaphysical insurrection,
the circuit of negative thinking
there will be reached its totality
in terms of the man protests
as alienated social being
and against the condition in which
he finds himself frustrated by the Universe.
Today, this dialectical mode of thought is alien
to the whole established universe of discourse and action.
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